Electrical safety construction advocate consultant dedicated to client protection & satisfaction
We are a collaborate of seasoned, management, construction and technical professionals with an insatiable thirst for problem solving. We establish policies; procedures for a safe and secure workplace using theory, code, accepted standards, design and plain old horse sense. We are committed to a full disclosure work ethic. “It’s what we do”..
Single point of contact
With our team, getting it done right the first time saves time and money. You will be assigned a construction consultant who will make certain your current vision becomes the reality you want.
“It’s who we are.”
We are
“It’s what we do”
Company Credo
‘Its what we believe”
If you have a Vision We will help you to turn it into reality
Our Services
“Its how we do it”
Service 1
Utility power coordination solutions
Service 2
On-site electrical data collecting
Service 3
Power and distribution design solutions
Service 4
Electrical safety programs
Service 5
Electrical on-site Project Management (EPM)
What our customers say
over 50 years experience
The principal
“LIVE as if you were going to die tomorrow. LEARN as if you were going to live forever” –Gandhi
“Tenacious & persistent
problem solving”
Michael Yochelson
With over 50 years of experience in the electrical industry, Michael began his career as a hands-on, second-generation electrician. He became a licensed electrical contractor in 1967 with numerous commercial and industrial installations throughout the United States, all with a perfect safety record. During his career, Michael met like-minded professionals in the electrical construction industry. All of whom believed that “ if there is a problem, there is a solution.” With all of the alliances he has built, he decided to form a coalition called my5 associates.
Arizona Licenses
ROC 309858 B-1,
ROC 309859-CR-11
Contact Us
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Mailing Address
Phoenix, AZ 85018